
About This Project

This here is the simplest 3D game tutorial series out there made with Godot 4 and GDScript. ๐Ÿ

In this series, we make a 3D Endless Runner that aims to teach you how to make a game from start to finish, and ultimately show you all the things that you need to know as a beginner 3D Godot developer!

Project Preview

You can see the end result of this tutorial series in the preview video below!

Project Overview

During this project, you will learn how to:

  • Create an immersive level world with music, SFX, and environmental objects such as Fog, Lightning, Sky Spheres, Camera, and DOF.

  • Create and download animations for a 3D character using Mixamo and Animation State Machines.

  • Create a procedural world consisting of different parts - such as (static) obstacles, (moving) obstacles, platforms, and air platforms.

  • Create collectibles consisting of coins (score boosts), flags (which decrease game time), and gems (for jump boosts).

  • Create a levelling system where the spawn chance and difficulty of the game increases as the player progresses.

  • Create a Saving and Loading system using ConfigFiles.

  • How to test, debug, and export your game.


Asset File Download

All assets can be downloaded from my Google Drive: Required Game Assets

Asset Credits

Last updated