PDF Version
Take the tutorial on the go!
Last updated
Take the tutorial on the go!
Last updated
To unlock the full version of this tutorial with bonus content as well as an offline version of the tutorial collection, you can head over to Ko-Fi and buy it for only $4!
You also get lifelong access to the full, offline version of the "Learn Godot 4 by Making a 2D Platformer" PDF booklet. This is a 451-page document that contains all the tutorials of this series in a sequenced format, plus you get dedicated help from me if you ever get stuck or need advice. This means you don't have to wait for me to release the next part of the tutorial series on Dev.to or Medium. You can just move on and continue the tutorial at your own pace - anytime and anywhere!
*This book will be updated continuously to fix newly discovered bugs, or to fix compatibility issues with newer versions of Godot 4.